Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Karachi Stock Exchange

Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), the largest Unisys customer in Pakistan, began using Unisys ES7000 CMP technology to run its locally developed trading application, which was the first step in moving from a UNIX/RISC platform to an open architecture based on a Microsoft Windows and Intel platform. After running its trading application successfully, KSE decided to completely switch over to Windows and Intel, and selected Unisys ES7000 64-bit technology to run its database application based on Oracle. KSE has seen a 100-percent increase in the amount of transactions per minute (tpm) its trading application can write since implementing the Unisys, Oracle, Microsoft and Intel platform.Situation.Named the “world’s best-performing stock exchange” in 2002, the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) manages trading in 685 listed companies with a capitalization of more than $25 billion. Founded in 1947, this successful stock exchange has grown Karachi Stock ExchangePlatform HighlightsUnisys ES7000 servers employing Intel Itanium 2 processors and running Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Oracle 9.20 database and Oracle RAC software are supporting 64-bit computing for Karachi Stock Exchange’s (KSE) database application. As a result of implementing cost-effective ES7000 servers, KSE has experienced better response times and more efficient utilization of its applications.Rapidly and adopted a technology-centered approach to support its businesses. Its management places an emphasis on the continual development and improvement of its automated trading environment to maintain smooth and reliable operations.After experiencing tracking issues and poor response times in terms of inquiries for outstanding orders and the writing of confirmed orders onto database servers, IT executives at KSE saw a need to implement a more reliable and scalable solution. Its previously deployed IBM RS6000 servers could neither handle the 500,000 orders that KSE was taking daily nor support KSE’s requirement of connecting more than 2,000 terminals.KSE’s main business objective was to synchronize its database with its newly developed trading application, which can match more than 400 trades per second. KSE developed its own trading application and database based on Oracle and the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system.After a successful implementation of the initial system, KSE deployed two Unisys ES7000 servers employing 64-bit Intel Itanium 2 processors. One server is used as the production server and the other provides failover capabilities.KSE’s previous infrastructure had six to seven IBM RS6000 servers, which did not feature partitioning capabilities. Thus, workloads could not be distributed to take advantage of processor capacity, leaving most of the processors lying idle. KSE resolved that problem with the implementation of 64-bit ES7000 servers.

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